On January 6, 2018, I was told I had kidney cancer. Something you don't expect to hear, let alone, prepared for. This podcast and social media accounts went on immediate hiatus to allow time to catch my breath, fight this cancer and recover. In going through the longest winter of my life, I was delivered from cancer and realized I need to share my story in the event it could help others in need.
This "comeback" episode begins the start of Season 2 and a whole new approach to the Making Waves Podcast. The reigns have been taken off the subject matter and we are diving right in.
I recruited my brother, Justin, to join me on this special episode to help guide us through my journey over the past few months.
Thank you for all your support and I hope you get value out of this conversation.

People we discussed:
Erwin McManus: www.instagram.com/erwinmcmanus The Last Arrow: www.erwinmcmanus.com Mosaic: www.instagram.com/mosaic Rhonda Patrick: www.twitter.com/foundmyfitness Tim Ferriss: www.tim.blog/podcast Lifetime Fitness: www.lifetime.life Cancer Support: www.cancer.org
Connect with Tom: IG: www.instagram.com/iamtomprather Twitter: www.twitter.com/iamtomprather
Connect with Justin: IG: www.instagram.com/justinprather
Connect with Making Waves: Website: www.makingwavespodcast.com IG: www.instagram.com/makingwavespodcast Twitter: www.twitter.com/iamtomprather Facebook: www.facebook.com/themakingwavespodcast
Making Waves Podcast is produced by The Blue Wave Website: www.thebluewave.net